Friday, 18 May 2012


Hi watchers

I've not updated the Blog recently but have been working away on the car and the body repairs ar over 90% done.

Would take quite some time to post all the progress in the correct order so....why not jump forward to the present!?

When I first bought the car my father pointed out some rust bubbles at the base of the C pillar and said something like 'yeah, once a car goes there its finished'. I remember at the time thinking 'what do you expect for a £250, 30 year old car' and never envisaged the day I'd tackle that repair.

My plan at first was to get it MoT-able.

Well the other day I found myelf running out of bits to repair and within 10 minutes the rear screen was out. The rust isn't really that bad and I should be able to make a nice repair within a day or two on both sides.

I thought the car looked a bit like a convertible with the screen out so here are a few pics and hopefully next instalment will see the repairs in completion

passenger side showing large bubble where chrome trim/vynil/rubber meet plus some rust towards front

driver's side not as bad but still a bit suspect

remove two screws here

parcel shelf trim removed also gives good access to screen rubber

remove screws holding contact for rear de-mister 

remove top cant-rail to expose seal

a little push on top corner moved it out easily. chrome finisher and rubber insert were removed first

looking quite grubby when trim removed

not so scary when cleaned up for assessment


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