Friday 18 September 2009

missing in action

I've neglected the VDP for a few months because of the welding problems and took time out to paint my old motorbikes which was a lot more pleasant than the sand-blasting! I've included some pictures just to prove I haven't been doing nothing.

1972 Yamaha YAS3 petrol tank painted in orange candy acrylic lacquer and white acrylic lacquer (not clearcoated yet)

1970 Yamaha YCS3E oil tank re-painted in blue candy acrylic lacquer

1976 Honda SS50ZK1-E petrol tank repainted in red candy acrylic laquer

I have also been getting the feel of my replacement welder (Clarke 100en) using it to repair a panel from my Hillman Imp

I feel like I can start welding on the Jag again so 'watch this space' as they say. One thin I don't understand however is that I'd only had aboyt 500 views of this Blog before my 'holiday' and I've returned to find over 11000 views. Strange...........who are you all? Please say Hi lol


  1. Oooh we've been watching you, don't worry about that :). A friend and I have a similar project on the go - the jag, not the bikes - so we have been interested in your progress.

  2. Still waiting.....

  3. Cricket cricket cricket .....

  4. Haha. Not sure I get the cricket reference but I imagine its the sound those things make when all is quiet. Well, I've made a post now and thanks for your comments : )
