Thursday, 11 April 2013


I have neglected updating this for a while. Not because nothing is being done on the car but more because it's so much easier to put my updates on an internet forum (RetroRides). The old Blogger tool isn't as user friendly I find (although it is getting better) and they are seen by far fewer people but the downside of an internet forum is that your mammoth efforts are 'yesterday's chip papers' within a few days while the Blog sits there forever on the last entry you made. So there are pros and cons and it's worth doing both I reckon.

Situation just now is that the metal repairs on the body are effectively done and I'm at the stage of doing numerous refurbishment jobs around the car. From brake calipers to headlining with fuel pipes in between.

It would take an inordinate amount of time to post it all chronologically so I'll just put up some nice pictures instead.  

all the door trims laid out for inspection as they should be going back in the car soon

detail of reverse side of a cant rail which is being re-trimmed in Alcantara

B-post trim plates got a coat or two of paint prior to re-trimming

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