Saturday, 10 February 2018

post-seizure momentum

Well I'm back.

Have not re-read this Blog but am pretty sure I haven't posted that I discovered the engine was seized. This brought the project to a standstill basically. I also got sacked from my job of 23 years around that time.

Come 2015 I was labouring for an acquaintance for about £50 a day but somehow had the spare cash to buy a used V12 engine for £450. In my haste to buy it I didn't check the engine number properly and my miracle-find was actually no good. It was an 1983 HE engine and they apparently aren't compatible with the carburettor parts of my original engine. I had a notion that I could've made one good engine out the two or bolted by intake/exhaust parts to the 'new' engine.

So another couple of years passed. I'm working for myself just now so always skint and always working and never work on my projects.

New year 2017/18 brought a determination to get things moving again. Plus a week or two with no work so I'm in the process of trying to un-seize the original engine.

Before stripping it I'm using the HE as a Guinea-Pig so I don't break anything on the original. So far everything has went fine. The HE top-end came off with no drama and I'm at that stage with the original now. The heads aren't as willing to come off this one tho so am removing the studs gradually so I can just lift them away without having to bang or pull or lever them off

NB when I refer to RH & LH parts of the engine am meaning as viewed from front of engine whist I work on it. If you were in the car it would be reversed. The manuals follow this convention

LHS cylinder-head coming off HE engine. cardboard packing was needed to stop front dropping down as other end was lifted

rear end of LHS head

HE heads have quite deeply-recessed exhaust valves

both HE heads off

carburettor engine is still in car. here RHS tappets are being numbered before removal

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